Article 1 – Scope of the general conditions

The present general terms and conditions apply to and form an integral part of any contract concerning tourist stays concluded between SPRL Les Cabanes de Rensiwez, whose registered office is located at 6663 Mabombré, Rensiwez 1 and which is registered with the Crossroads Bank of Enterprises under the number 0848.814.039 (hereinafter referred to as “Les Cabanes de Rensiwez”) and its clients (hereinafter referred to as the “Guests”). 

Article 2 – Booking conditions

2.1 Prices and payment

The price of the stays is indicated in euros, including VAT and tourist taxes. At the time of booking, the full price of the reservation must be paid. Any option that has not been paid within 7 days will be automatically cancelled.
In the event of late payment of the balance, the reservation may be cancelled without prior notice and without prejudice to the right of Cabanes de Rensiwez to demand payment of the entire reservation from the Guest.

2.2 Withdrawal

The legal provisions relating to the right of withdrawal in the event of distance selling as provided for in the Code of Economic Law are not applicable to tourist services. Thus, for any reservation of a stay with Les Cabanes de Rensiwez, the Guest has no right of withdrawal (art. VI.53, 12° Code of Economic Law).

2.3 Cancellation and modification of reservation

a) Reservations can be cancelled or modified up to 30 days before the date of stay. An administration fee of 20eur will be deducted from the refund amount. 

b) It is recommended that Guests take out or check whether they have cancellation insurance, which allows them to obtain reimbursement of sums paid in the event of cancellation of their stay or early departure under certain conditions (illness, accident, etc.).

c) Reservations are nominative and it is forbidden for a Guest to transfer his reservation to a third party, for any reason whatsoever, except with the prior written consent of Cabanes de Rensiwez.

Article 3 – Course of the stay

3.1 Arrivals and Departures

Arrivals are between 4:00 pm and 7:30 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There are no arrivals on Saturdays and Sundays. Departures are before 11:00 am every day except Sunday when checkout is before 3:30 pm. Clients can keep their keys until 6:00 pm on Sunday.

3.2 Delay in returning the keys

Any return of a key after the time indicated in article 3.1 will result in the invoicing of an additional night. Any request for an extension of stay must be made at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure date. 

3.3 Rules of procedure

In order to make the stay as pleasant as possible for all the guests, they must respect the rules (of conduct) mentioned in the internal regulations. These can be consulted at the reception desk. Any violation of the Rules and Regulations may result in removal from the domain, without refund of all or part of the reservation fee.
Guests are responsible for the respect of these rules and regulations by the persons who would have entered the domain by themselves.

3.4 Number of people

The number of Guests must not, under any circumstances, exceed the capacity of the reservation.
If this is not the case, the Cabanes de Rensiwez reserves the right to cancel the reservation (without refund), to terminate the stay (without refund) and/or to modify the rental price. 

Article 4 – Responsibility

4.1 Except in the case of gross negligence or intentional misconduct on the part of the Cabanes de Rensiwez, the latter shall not be liable in the event of : 

– theft, loss or damage of any kind, during or after the stay,

-failure or breakdown of equipment during the stay.

The Cabanes de Rensiwez also decline any responsibility in case of accident in the cabanes and/or on the site surrounding the cabanes.

4.2 The Host and those accompanying the Host shall occupy the Cabins in a responsible manner. 

They are jointly and severally liable for any loss and/or damage caused by themselves, their guests or any animal under their care, to the property, the Cabins and/or their equipment.
If the Guest or one of those accompanying him/her is responsible for any damage, it is his/her responsibility to report it immediately to the reception. The value of the damaged property and/or the repairs to be made will be charged to the Guest. 

4.3 At the beginning of the stay, the Guest is obliged to check the condition of the Cabin and its equipment upon receipt of the keys. If no defects are reported to the reception desk at the beginning of the stay, the Cabin and its equipment shall be considered to have been made available to the Guest in perfect condition.

4.4 The cleaning of the Cabins at the end of the stay is included in the reservation price. However, if the Cabin has not been occupied in good order and is in an abnormally dirty state, additional (cleaning) costs of 100€ may be charged.

Article – 5Cases of force majeure

Cabanes de Rensiwez shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from the delay or failure to perform an obligation under the contract when such delay or failure results from a case of force majeure. Any unforeseeable event beyond the control of Les Cabanes de Rensiwez shall constitute force majeure, namely any disaster caused by nature, epidemic, fire, accident, war, insurrection, riot, act of terrorism, spontaneous work stoppage or slowdown, lockout, change in market conditions, breakdown of telecommunications or electricity lines, act of government or order of a court or public authority.

Article – 6. Complaints

Complaints during the stay must be reported to the reception desk as soon as possible so that a solution can be found. If a complaint cannot be resolved satisfactorily or if the Guest is unable to make a complaint on the spot, he/she must, at the latest 14 days after the end of the stay, communicate his/her complaint by e-mail to or by post to Moulin de Rensiwez 1 6663 Houffalize. 

Article 7  Personal data – privacy

Cabanes de Rensiwez processes your data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and its Privacy Statement available on its website.

Article 8 – Applicable law – competent jurisdiction

The present general conditions are subject to Belgian law and any dispute relating to their application falls under the jurisdiction of the courts of the district of Marche-en-Famenne